Archive by Author

The older man… Why do we find them so attractive?

11 May

It’s becoming increasingly popular for women to find older men attractive. There is now a greater emphasis on men dressing well and keeping fit which has had a dramatic effect on the physical attractiveness of the older man.


Hollywood Stars like Katie Holmes and Catherine Zeta-Jones are prime examples of women finding the older man attractive. Katie Holmes married Tom Cruise, who is 16 years her senior, in 2006 whilst Michael Douglas is 25 years older than Catherine Zeta-Jones.


Critics are constantly throwing around sentences like ‘she’s only with him for the money’, ‘I bet his bank balance helps’ but are us women really that shallow when it comes to our choice in men? I don’t think there is an easy answer to that question but surely financial security is always a bonus?



The younger women are finding it increasingly appealing to shack up with a man that’s got a good few years on her, every woman has their own reason for being attracted to the George Clooney’s of the world but whatever that may be the grey hairs and laughter lines are becoming the new six pack.



Johnny Depp, George Clooney and Brad Pitt are flying the flag for older men that younger women find attractive, which is good news for the silver foxes amongst us.


With age comes maturity and us ladies do like a man that’s grown up and no longer tied to their mums apron strings. They’re not afraid to really wine and dine a girl and who doesn’t like a being treated to a little romance? Older men tend to be more self-confident and self-assured; they don’t care as much about what other people may think.




This might be good news for the Phillip Schofield’s of the world but I’m not so sure about the Bruce Forsyth’s. So come on ladies give us your opinions on the older man?


Photo Credits:
Johnny Depp:,,,00.html
George Clooney:
Brad Pitt:

Claim to Fame – Everyone has one.

11 May

Do you have a claim to fame? Of course you do! No matter how embarrassing it may be we’ve all got that story of when we met someone famous or took part in a special event or somehow made it on TV… even if you’re drunkenly stumbling around in the background of a news report or in the audience of Jeremy Kyle (I’d be quite impressed with that) – It still counts.

A Claim to fame can be anything, something that you’ve done that has given you notoriety, knowing someone famous or having met someone from your favourite band or that’s on TV. Maybe you’ve been on a TV programme or walked past a movie set.

Jade 21 a Leeds Student: “Gabe Saporta from Cobra Starship looked at me and then pointed directly at me when he sang ‘I can see the venom in your eyes’ it was an unforgettable moment for me.”

Amy 24 from Barnsley: “I was at a Good Charlotte gig and was stood next to Joel and Benji’s brother; it was amazing until he told me that I’d left the sale tag on my t-shirt.”

Andy Warhol once said that “In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” I can’t say that we’ll all be famous for 15 minutes but I can guarantee that we’ve all got a claim to fame. No matter how embarrassing or lame you might think it is.

Can your claim to fame make us at Pick&Mix seriously impressed or will we find ourselves with some second-hand embarrassment? We want to know the stories that you’ve told everyone at least 10 times before and those that only a select group of people know because it’s seriously cringe worthy.  So get racking your brains for your claim to fame and then get commenting.

We promise not to laugh… for too long, if you share your Claim to fame with us.

Wishbone Day 2012

2 May

Wishbone Day, is an international event that’s sole purpose is to raise awareness for Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), or as it is more commonly known ‘brittle bones’. Wishbone Day is held on the 6th May and people from around the globe are asked to go YELLOW.


OI is a genetic condition that can be passed on from parents or can be caused by a spontaneous genetic mutation. People with OI have bones that break or fracture easily; often from little or no apparent cause due to the genetic mutation that affects the body’s production of collagen.



Gemma Turner, 19, is Leeds University Student who has OI and has had over 200 fractures since birth. She says that having OI isn’t always easy: “The worst part of having OI is obviously breaking bones, not just the pain but also the fact that you lose your independence and have to rely on others to help.”


However there are plenty of reasons as to why OI isn’t as bad as you might think, the positives often outweigh any negatives: “The best part of having OI is the people you meet that also have or are connected with OI. They feel like they are part of your family as we can relate to each other in so many ways that no one without OI can experience. I also feel like I appreciate the small things in life due to OI and have different priorities to other people I know around me.”


She is doing a day of sponsored silence on the 4th May for Wishbone Day and she’s already raised more than £100! She chose to do this because: “I decided to do the sponsored silence because the people that know me know that this is a hard challenge for me! I just love to talk. I can’t do physical challenges that people usually do to raise money so I wanted to do my own personal version.”


The condition varies from person to person and is identified by the different OI types; a person could have anything from a few fractures or hundreds in a lifetime. Alongside the frequent fractures, muscle weakness, hearing loss, fatigue, joint laxity, curved bones, scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and brittle teeth are all characteristics of OI. There is no cure for OI but Bisphosphonates are being increasingly used to increase bone mass and help reduce fractures.


Having a fracture is one of the inevitable parts of the condition and having had her fair share of them Gemma is now an old hand at it but the pain never gets any easier. “Having a fracture does dramatically affect my daily living; however it does depend on what I have broken. For example, a femur break is the break that is the worst for me. Due to the fact I cannot walk anyway this break; this limits my movement to very little and can mean that I cannot get in my electric chair for weeks. A rib break however, lasts only 1-2 weeks which means it affects me less.”


The concept for Wishbone day came about after a discussion at the Australian OI conference in 2008 and since then the day has gathered momentum and is now an international community effort that raises positive awareness of OI by acknowledging all the things that people with OI achieve.


“Wishbone day is a positive event for people with OI to not only achieve raising money for their own charity but it also raises awareness for people that have no idea what the condition is and how affect their everyday lives.”


“The money that is raised then allows all people with the condition to get together and share their stories. Especially for families that are just learning about the condition themselves and can gain knowledge from others.”


“I hope that in the future, Wishbone day becomes a globally known charity day and is as popular as other charities such as sport relief and red nose day. This will hopefully allow The Brittle Bone society to increase their support to children/adults with Brittle Bones and result in further medical research which may lead to children and adults gaining independence.”


Maria Clarke the European Liaison said that people can get involved in various ways: “People can celebrate by wearing yellow and the Wishbone Day phrase and organisations are invited to express Wishbone Day in their own way. Each expression will be a unique contribution to this worldwide community awareness effort.”



The Brittle Bone Society supports people within the UK are fully backing Wishbone day. Jill Murdoch the Society’s Support Worker: “This is only the 3rd year of Wishbone Day but it has been growing each year but last year we had 8 events across the country which raised awareness and much needed funds of more than £1300. We are expecting many more events and much more funds this year.””


Wishbone Day isn’t about fund-raising but there are plenty of events taking place around the UK that will raise both awareness and money for the Society. “There will be a lot of fundraising events happening across the UK. Several schools are doing fundraising events around Wishbone Day but we have many other events happening including a Picnic in the Park in Perth, in Wales Alan Ford is climbing Mount Snowdon on Crutches and in England a 7 year old girl is swimming a mile.”


It’s as simple are wearing a yellow t-shirt but raising awareness is an invaluable exercise and anyone can do it!


“We really hope that as many people as possible take part in what should be a fun day to raise awareness of OI around the country.”


Will you go yellow on May 6th?


Here’s how to get involved.

Wishbone Day:

The Brittle Bone Society:

Gemma’s sponsored Silence:

Pick and Mix Podcast 2

14 Mar

Have a listen to this weeks podcast about leap year, women proposing and what we hate about men and womens fashion.

Get in touch and let us know what you do and don’t like about mens fashion!

Girls getting Inked

14 Mar

Tattooing has been around since the Neolithic times, however it wasn’t until the 1990’s that tattoo’s became a common place in mainstream society.

The rise of girls getting ‘inked’ has risen dramatically over the last few years. As the designs become more feminine and colourful, more women are choosing to perminately mark their bodies. Celebrities like Rihanna, Katy Perry and Angelina Jolie proudly display their tattoo’s to anyone who’ll look and girls around the world are following this growing trend.

Do a spot of people watching and you’ll notice that us girls tend to go for more colourful or meaningful designs than our male counterparts, we also tend to put more thought and research into our ideas before we sit underneath a needle.

Flowers, animals, star signs, famous sayings/lyrics or a speical someones name (just don’t do a Katie Price and have to put a big cross through your ex-husbands name) are the most popular choices for women. A tattoo has the power to make you unique and give you a sense of style, they can even be worn in place of an accessory. A simple design on your wrist stops you from losing all your bracelets on a night out. Some girls even design their tattoo’s using colours that compliment their skin tone.

Although more girls are getting tattoo’s, most girls still choose a place where they can cover them up if needed: a rib cage or lower back are popular choices.

The stigma that used to be attached to tattoo’s is slowly fading and even Barbie dolls proudly show that it’s not just Sailors and Bikers that can get tattoo’s on their skin, even the Prime Minister’s wife has a tattoo!

I hit the streets and asked people what they thought of girls and tattoo’s:

Lucy 24: “I’ve only got 2 tattoo’s at the minute but I love them and want more. I don’t think any girl should be afraid to stand out.”

Hannah 18: “I got a bow tattoo’d on my wrist for my birthday and I definitely want another. Tattoo’s are just artwork on the skin they should be celebrated.”

Alan 50: “I don’t have any tattoo’s and I wouldn’t want one. I don’t understand why a beautiful girl would want to destroy her body. They’ll regret having them when they’re older.”

Sophie 35: “I’ve got a tattoo on my foot and one on my back, I got them years back and prefer to keep them covered at work, plus I’m getting older.”

Ian 43: “My daughter has a tattoo and when she first mentioned it I was a bit worried but it’s small and girly so I can cope with that. I just hope she sticks to that one.”

Here’s a few images of Girls with tattoos from Sheffield.