The older man… Why do we find them so attractive?

11 May

It’s becoming increasingly popular for women to find older men attractive. There is now a greater emphasis on men dressing well and keeping fit which has had a dramatic effect on the physical attractiveness of the older man.


Hollywood Stars like Katie Holmes and Catherine Zeta-Jones are prime examples of women finding the older man attractive. Katie Holmes married Tom Cruise, who is 16 years her senior, in 2006 whilst Michael Douglas is 25 years older than Catherine Zeta-Jones.


Critics are constantly throwing around sentences like ‘she’s only with him for the money’, ‘I bet his bank balance helps’ but are us women really that shallow when it comes to our choice in men? I don’t think there is an easy answer to that question but surely financial security is always a bonus?



The younger women are finding it increasingly appealing to shack up with a man that’s got a good few years on her, every woman has their own reason for being attracted to the George Clooney’s of the world but whatever that may be the grey hairs and laughter lines are becoming the new six pack.



Johnny Depp, George Clooney and Brad Pitt are flying the flag for older men that younger women find attractive, which is good news for the silver foxes amongst us.


With age comes maturity and us ladies do like a man that’s grown up and no longer tied to their mums apron strings. They’re not afraid to really wine and dine a girl and who doesn’t like a being treated to a little romance? Older men tend to be more self-confident and self-assured; they don’t care as much about what other people may think.




This might be good news for the Phillip Schofield’s of the world but I’m not so sure about the Bruce Forsyth’s. So come on ladies give us your opinions on the older man?


Photo Credits:
Johnny Depp:,,,00.html
George Clooney:
Brad Pitt:

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