Claim to Fame – Everyone has one.

11 May

Do you have a claim to fame? Of course you do! No matter how embarrassing it may be we’ve all got that story of when we met someone famous or took part in a special event or somehow made it on TV… even if you’re drunkenly stumbling around in the background of a news report or in the audience of Jeremy Kyle (I’d be quite impressed with that) – It still counts.

A Claim to fame can be anything, something that you’ve done that has given you notoriety, knowing someone famous or having met someone from your favourite band or that’s on TV. Maybe you’ve been on a TV programme or walked past a movie set.

Jade 21 a Leeds Student: “Gabe Saporta from Cobra Starship looked at me and then pointed directly at me when he sang ‘I can see the venom in your eyes’ it was an unforgettable moment for me.”

Amy 24 from Barnsley: “I was at a Good Charlotte gig and was stood next to Joel and Benji’s brother; it was amazing until he told me that I’d left the sale tag on my t-shirt.”

Andy Warhol once said that “In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” I can’t say that we’ll all be famous for 15 minutes but I can guarantee that we’ve all got a claim to fame. No matter how embarrassing or lame you might think it is.

Can your claim to fame make us at Pick&Mix seriously impressed or will we find ourselves with some second-hand embarrassment? We want to know the stories that you’ve told everyone at least 10 times before and those that only a select group of people know because it’s seriously cringe worthy.  So get racking your brains for your claim to fame and then get commenting.

We promise not to laugh… for too long, if you share your Claim to fame with us.

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