DJ Double success

10 May

‘If your willing to work hard you can be a successful DJ and make a career from it.’

Club DJ, Daniel Dunmore (DJ Double) has been successful in the competitive music industry after sticking with his life long passion of playing music.

24 year old Daniel from Nottingham started ‘Djing’ as a hobbie at the age of 14 when he recieved decks as a birthday gift.  Beginning his career as an unpaid DJ working at under 18 nights, daniel worked his way up and now loves his job.

‘It all started as a bit of fun, me and my friends used to go to the local youth centre to keep out of trouble. I’d be the DJ and the others would rap or sing.’

At the age of 15 DJ Double got his first paid job at at a club called ‘Vibe’.

‘To get anywhere in this business, and be able to work solely as a DJ for a living you have to start at the bottom, work in places you don’t want to for money you don’t want.’

Daniel spent 3 years at college studying sound engineering and music production, developing his technological skills and knowledge.

‘I would like to do some studio work professionally in the future, I do a lot of music production as a hobbie but I suppose it would be nice to get paid to do something else I love.’

Being a DJ is often viewed by people as something you would do part time or as a job on the side, but as Daniel proves if you work at it and be patient it can be a sturdy career.

‘You can’t expect to just walk into the industry and get paid good money and given the best slots. I worked in plenty of low key, rubbish places before now.’

His main DJ residencies are ‘Club Republic’ in Leicester the ‘Pent House’ in Nottingham ‘NoNo8’ in Derby and ‘Rain’ nighclub in loughborough. Daniel works both weekends and student nights during the week and has built up his cliental successfully.

‘One of the big nights I’ve been hired for recently is ‘Jucee Fruit’ a night at NoNo8 in Derby. I’ve done lots of different gigs there for couple years now, but this night has become very popular and I’m the regular DJ for it.’ 

The promotion video for the Jucee Fruit events

When asking Daniel if he’d recommend his job to anyone else he laughed, ‘If you like attention of the ladies, then yeah! They seem to like hanging near the DJ box for a bit of attention.’

If your wondering how well a job like this pays, Daniel assures us that once you’ ve built your way up and get yourself a reputation there is opportunity to earn good money.

‘You’ve got to be willing to travel around and work ridiculous hours, there is a massive difference between someone who just simply likes the idea of being a DJ and does it as a hobbie and somone who does it for a career, like me.’

Do you want to play in your favourite clubs and bars not just go to them? Get on guest lists across your town and many others as a respectable DJ? Play all your favourite tunes to people who have come out to hear you? Then ‘Djing’ maybe a career path for you. Modern technology has enabled jobs like this to become more accessible, more clubs and bars want live DJ’s not just sound systems.

‘I take my job seriously and I’ve earned respect and built up a good reputation with clubs from across the country. I love my job but if anyone is serious about getting into this business, it is’nt all girls, clubs and music, it’s hard work.’

Links to Daniel Dunmore’s (DJ Double) Club residencies websites:

NoNo8 Derby

Club Republic Leicester

Rain Night Club Loughborough

Pent House Nottingham

DJ Double at NoNo8 Derby

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